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I couldn't locate specific information on a "QL 12TOP" speaker box. It's possible that "QL" refers to Q-Logic, a manufacturer known for custom subwoofer enclosures. They offer a range of vehicle-specific subwoofer enclosures, including those designed for 12-inch subwoofers.
If you're considering building a custom speaker enclosure for a 12-inch driver, understanding certain parameters is crucial:

Ql (Leakage Q Factor): This parameter represents the enclosure's air leakage. A well-sealed enclosure typically has a Ql value between 50 and 100. Adjusting the Ql can influence the enclosure's performance, but changes are often minimal.
Design Considerations: When designing a ported (bass reflex) enclosure, factors such as the driver's specifications, desired frequency response, and enclosure volume are essential. Proper tuning of the port is vital to achieve the desired sound characteristics.

  • Ql (Leakage Q Factor): Parameter ini mewakili kebocoran udara dari kotak. Kotak yang sangat tertutup rapat biasanya memiliki nilai Ql antara 50 dan 100. Menyesuaikan Ql dapat mempengaruhi kinerja kotak, tetapi perubahan ini seringkali minimal.

  • Pertimbangan Desain: Saat merancang kotak ported (bass reflex), faktor-faktor seperti spesifikasi driver, respons frekuensi yang diinginkan, dan volume kotak sangat penting. Penyetelan port yang tepat sangat penting untuk mencapai karakteristik suara yang diinginkan.